Monday, June 7, 2010

Bottled Blonde

Origin:The day of summer are upon us so this weekend I decided to brew a refreshing summer ale. I decided to make a golden/blonde ale and should be just what I need after a hot day mowing the lawn. We have not really had a really hot day yet this summer (Oregon) but this is an anticipatory brew. The name I came up with because the label I envisioned was a buxom bottle blonde that is stuck in a bottle trying to get out, and I also couldn't think of anything clever to call it so Bottled Blonde it is.

  • 6 0z. German CaraHell
  • 4 oz. German Vienna Malt
  • 7 lbs. ExtraLite Malt Extract
  • White Labs California Ale Yeast
  • 2 oz. Cascade Hops (6.0% alpha-acid, whole leaf)
My friend Nick was interested in getting into home brewing so I thought that this would be a good simple introduction to brewing for him. I began with the standard boil of 3 gallons placing the grains in with the water while it climbed to 180F. Once 180 was achieved the grain bag was removed and shortly thereafter the water began to boil. After the boil began I added the Extra Lite Malt Extract and stirred to make sure it did not burn to the bottom of the kettle. The boiling subsided and once it started again I used the following hop schedule:

Quantity Ingredient Boiled for
1 oz. Cascade Entire 60 min. Boil
1/2 oz. Cascade Last 12 min. of boil
1/2 oz. Cascade Last 2 min. of boil
After the completion of the hour boil the hops were strained and sparged into an ice filled bucket. Once the temperature reached 80F I pitched the White Labs California Ale Yeast and placed the lid on the brewing bucket. After this the bucket was placed in what will now be called my "Brewing Closet" with the keg of Rapist's Wit that is waiting to be carbonated.

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