Re brew of a previous Recipe I followed a the Janet's Brown Ale Recipe exactly this time instead of making my own modifications.
Recipe Specifications:
- Batch Size: 5.00 gal
- Boil Size: 6.5 gal
- Predicted OG: 1.066 SG
- Boil Time: 60 Minutes
- 12.0 lb Pale Malt (2 Row) US -2 °L
- 1.25 lb Crystal 40 Malt - 40 °L
- 1.25 lb Cara-Pils Dextrin Malt -2 °L
- 0.50 lb Chocolate Malt - 350 °L
- 3.25 oz. Northern Brewerer [11.4%] Whole Leaf Hops
- 3.00 oz. Cascade Pellet [6.8%] Pellet Hops
- 2.00 oz. Centennial [10.9%] Pellet Hops
- WLP 001California Ale Yeast
Friday February 22, 2012 I made my starter. The usual procedure and recipe was used to create the starter. It was placed on a stir plat overnight.
- 100 g DME
- 1/4 tsp Wyeast Yeast Nutrient
- 1 Drop Fermcap-S Foam Inhibitor
- 1000 ml Water
Saturday February 23, 2012 was brew day, my friend Anthony came over to do an batch with me since neither of us had brewed in a long time. First I calculated how much mash water I needed. total grain weight was 24 lbs. So to calculate mash water I used the following calculation:
16.0 lbs grain x 1.5 qt/lb = 24 qt. x 1/4 gallon/qt = 6
I decided to use a little thinner mash to see if there was any differnce in my brew house efficiency. I filled the mashtun with 6 gallons of water and began heating it to 165 °F. After the water reached what I thought was 165 °F I added the grain and began stirring. After stirring the mash vigorously for a few minutes the temperature had dropped down to 160 °F. This was hotter than I wanted but so I left the insulation jacket off and opened the lid to let some heat escape. This didnt really bring down the heat enough for me so I added some cold water to bring it down. Unfortunately I added too much so it dropped it to like 148°F. Hopefully this will not have wrecked my mash I guess Ill see when the beer is done. The recipe calls for 1 oz Norther Brewer in the mash but I don't think that imparts any hop characteristic to the beer so I just threw it in the 60 minute hop addition.
After mashing I transferred to the kettle and completed the brew using the following schedule:
Hops/Ingredients Schedule:
Quantity | Ingredient | Boiled For |
2.25 oz. | Northern Brewer | Entire 60 Min. boil |
1.00 oz. | Northern Brewer | Last 15 min of boil |
1 qty | Whirlfloc Tab | Last 15 min of boil |
1.50 oz. | Cascade | Last 10 min of boil |
1.50 oz. | Cascade | Flame Out |
2.00 oz. | Centennial | Dry Hopped |
I cooled the wort and pitched the yeast into a 6.5 gallon carboy.
Additional Comments:
My pre boil volume was low so I ended up with like 4.25 gallons which hopefully will be ok it my hurt the dry hop extraction but it should help the gravity. Speaking of gravity...
INITIAL WORT GRAVITY: Since its been so long since I brewed I forgot to take an initial gravity reading like a moron.